How To Stick To Your New Year Resolutions For 2023!
the new year is nearly upon us…
As New Year’s comes around, we toast our glasses and countdown to a brand-new start! When the brand-new year is suddenly upon us, we will most likely be making resolutions for becoming healthier and happier during the next twelve months. A new year is always a great opportunity to start fresh and make your goals happen!
sticking to your new year resolutions can be tricky (trust us, we know!)
Sticking to your New year’s resolutions can be tricky, especially during a time where you may have to be flexible with your plans due to factors out of your control. The most common New Year’s resolutions often involve increasing exercise, losing weight, quitting smoking, pretty much cutting out any negativity or bad habits that we might have picked up over the last year.
Although we feel a new-found sense of motivation and excitement to make a change in our lives as soon as January 1st rolls around, many people fall into the trap of setting themselves an on-going list of goals to achieve by the first of February. Placing so much pressure on yourself to tick off your goals often leads to people becoming impatient and giving up on their goals or conveniently forgetting their new routine after the last week of January.
Whatever your goal may be, the important thing is that you are on the right path to achieve it. It is important that the reason behind your goal isn’t forgotten among your own competition to reach personal success. Health is wealth of course, but make sure you are realistic and do not lose sight of what truly matters.
How do we set the right goals and how do we stick to them?
As New Year’s comes around, we toast our glasses and countdown until the brand-new year is suddenly upon us and make resolutions for becoming healthier and happier during the next twelve months. A new year is always a great opportunity to start fresh and make your goals happen!
1. start with small plans
Do not get overwhelmed by the need to ‘go big’ due to the occasion. You may be feeling motivated and excited about all your goals, but do not let ambition and overconfidence to lead you to unattainable levels. You should aim to stick to 3-4 goals at a time. When setting goals for the new year, prioritise each goal by the amount of fulfilment it will bring, this will motivate you further to continue your list. 3-4 goals are both manageable and realistic. Giving yourself the ability to meet your goal in small steps can help you avoid discouragement along the way.
2. take your time
Achieving a goal is not a race. You should allow plenty of time and be patient with your efforts. A health goal, such as losing weight, can take a long time and requires dedication. Set yourself up to acknowledge factors which might interfere or get in the way.
3. Make a plan
Plan, plan, plan! Plan your steps in achieving those goals. What resources do you need? What are your deadlines? Remember you can always change your plan and adjust your deadlines. Being lenient and kind to yourself will not undermine your motivation but extend its shelf life. By knowing what you want to accomplish, you can also make sure that you determine the when, where, and why of your vision – this way you can establish an action plan and set yourself on the right path to achieve your goal.
4. talk about your goals
Talking about your goals can help you stay accountable and increase your motivation. If you have shared your goals with somebody, there is almost an unwritten expectation to complete this goal that will spur you on each time you feel like giving up. You could also find somebody who has the same goal as you, which will double your resources! If you are aiming to run a marathon, you might just find a training buddy by sharing your goals aloud.
5. reward yourself
Reward and recognise your efforts along the way. Positive reinforcement can go a long way and will only help you escape from a rut when you might feel that you’ve reached a dead end.
6. Personal, realistic goals
It is important to identify goals that are personal, realistic and have the right motivation. When you have a sincere motivation to complete something, it will soon become second nature in your everyday routine. Equally, if you are unsure of where to turn and which goals to set to get you where you want to be, visiting a life coach may be helpful to guide you and point you in the right direction.
7. and always stay positive!
Of course, it can be difficult to make changes in your life, but if you place focus only on the negative, this will discourage you. Perspective has a lot to do with how we experience our daily lives. Believe in your goal and try to constantly remind yourself of the benefits and the impact it will have on your life. Focusing on the positives will help you stick to your resolution and make it happen.
life coaching
Happy new year from all of us at VieDerma!
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